DAVE explains that one day the AUTODOC 1,000 AUTOMATIC DOCTOR MACHINE simply stopped working. As he was the only EMPLOYEE left at the time, when he couldn't fix it it just stayed broken. He notes that if you could find some way to fix it, it might be able to do something about your LEG.
You just sort of plug in the AUTODOC.
It's super effective! The AUTODOC 1,000 AUTOMATIC DOCTOR MACHINE is functional!
You gain 112 Experience Points!
You gain 10 Various Monies!

(-10% Cranial Comradery)
Friendship perk removed: Thick Skulled
+50 Faction Reputation: Electricians' Guild
New faction title unlocked: Junior Apprentice Electrical Repairman
New badge unlocked: Junior Apprentice Electrical Repairman Badge
1 comment:
Fix your leg and see if the CYBER EYE is compatible with SKULLY.
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