Since I've returned from my trip of backpacking from Florida to Oregon (which was fantastic), I would like to thank everyone who has read the comic for the past year (or less, I won't judge you) and especially thank the people who have commented and offered suggestions. This has been a blast and I quite literally could not have done it without you. Thank you very much!
If you, like me, are curious how it would have ended if it got to an actual climax and such, I've written an ending in case I never do manage to get back to it:
The good guys win.
Thank you!
> -Andrew
Big no, Andrew! Big no!
Hell of a ride, though. Thanks for the trip!
Be consumed by MASSIVE SADNESS.
Andrew: Be... Dead?
Just kidding, thanks for the comic it was a fun read!
thanks andrew! This has truly been a wicked awesome adventure, and has been a lot of fun.
Woo, yeah! Good guys win! In your face, bad guys!
Let us know if you have any other projects worthy of followers?
I will do so! Don't hold your breath, though.
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